Thais Rodriguez
ARVEFER is the Spanish Hardware and DIY Manufacturers Association.
Reuniões Bilaterais
- 19-11-2015 (12:00 a.m. to 7 p.m.)
At present, around 64 companies have signed up to the Ironmengery and Hardware Association of Spanish Manufacturers - ARVEFER - . Today, these companies invoice more than 600million euros, with the majority of its sales being made through the hardware and bricolage dealer distribution channel.
Our primary aims are to support, protect and promote our companies in the international market. With this objective, ARVEFER draw up an annual Plan of Promotion in collaboration with the Spanish Institute foreing trade (ICEX) through COFEARFE, and with the Valencian Institute of Exportacion (IVEX).
ARVEFER/ASFHER along with ASEFEC, UNION OF CATALUNYA and AFEF make up COFEARFE (National Federation of Hardware Manufacturers), an organization that collaborates with the national administrative authorities, from which platform the ironmongery and hardware articles are consolidating their presence in the world-wide markets.
Tipo de Organização
CidadeVALENCIA, Plaza del Patriarca,4-3-5 Google map
Áreas de Actuação
Carpintaria em madeira, PVC e metálica
Madeira, PVC e Carpintaria em metal
The association offers its services to companies interested in contact with companies in the Spanish
The association is interested in maintaining meetings with companies of hardware and building materials who wish to reach agreements with Spanish companies sector.